
How to add crypto coins to your checkout page.

On the active tokens page you can manage:

  • the crypto coins that are available to your customers

  • the deposit address the coins will be sent to

  • the markup you would like to add to the specific coin

How to add a coin

To add a coin, click the "new token" button in the top right. A new page will open.


This is a dropdown menu where you can select the available coins. We have made a selection of the most used coins. If your desired coin is not there, you may request a coin through our support.

Deposit address

Here you can fill in your deposit address where the crypto's will be sent to. We recommend reading our page about deposit addresses for best practises before you add your first coins.

Good to know: Make sure that you add deposit addresses for the correct network and that you are able to access those funds. If your customer sends funds to an address on a network that you cannot access, those funds are lost for good. Read the Deposit addresses page for best practises.

XPUB index

If you're using an XPUB address, this field will display the current derivation path index. Normally, you won't have to make any changes. You can alter this number if you want to start from a different index.

Note: this field will only be visible after you have added a coin

Deposit address label (optional)

Here you need to fill in the name of the exchange you use for your main deposit address. You only have to fill this out if you are using an exchange as a deposit address. Omotix will use this name to show to the customer. If your customer uses the same exchange as your main deposit address, we will provide them with the alternative address instead. Read more about why you should setup an alternative address.

Alternative deposit address (optional)

Here you fill in the alternative deposit address. Omotix will only show this to the customer if they are using the same exchange as your main address.

Alternative XPUB index

If you're using an alternative XPUB address, this field will display the current derivation path index. Normally, you won't have to make any changes. You can alter this number if you want to start from a different index.

Note: this field will only be visible after you have added a coin


Here you can choose whether you would like to markup your prices. Omotix uses Coingecko for the most current exchange rate. For example, If you would like to add 1% on top of the current cryptocurrency price, you can set the markup to 1.01. Omotix will generate an invoice with a finale price of CryptoCurrency * 1.01. If you would like to discount your crypto prices, you can set the markup to 0.98, to give your customers a discount of 2%.

The markup field can have a maximum of three decimals.

Last updated